Auxiliary Buildings

Project Location:
Completed in Strike’s Crossfield Module Yard
Strike Divisions:
- Industrial Services
- Electrical & Instrumentation
Project Overview:
Pre-fabrication and construction of 14 Auxiliary Building/Skid Packages, including the following:
- 3 x Heat Medium Buildings
- 3 x Instrument Air Buildings
- 3 x Fuel Gas Skids
- 3 x Utility Gas Skid/Buildings
- 1 x Electrical Building
- 1 x CCC Building
All of these were then delivered to compressor stations for final installation.
- Material procurement
- Pipe fabrication
- Structural fabrication
- Equipment and piping installation/assembly onto skid assemblies
- Pressure testing of pipe systems.
- Electrical and Instrumentation installation
- Coordination and management of the following:
- Structural and pipe coating
- Building supply and installation inclusive of HVAC
- Piping insulation