Safety Innovation Award from Trans Mountain

Strike Group has won the “Contractor Safety Award for Safety Innovation” in recognition of 2023 performance from Trans Mountain! This prestigious award recognizes safety innovations that not only enhance performance but also strengthen safety culture within an organization.

The award celebrates advancements in safety programs that exceed standard compliance, demonstrating a commitment to adapting to the unique needs of the workforce and continuously improving through measured successes and learnings.

Strike Group earned this accolade for our innovative HSE Resources Library, which we explain in greater detail below.

In 2023, Strike Group introduced an HSE Resource Library which is accessible through a QR Code, granting all employees easy access to comprehensive HSE information without the necessity of controlled user access to Strike’s system. This advancement empowers employees, contractors, and customers to retrieve the latest iteration of Strike Group’s HSE System, encompassing policies, practices, and procedures, without facing bureaucratic impediments or the need for user access to Strike’s system, which is heavily guided by stringent corporate governance. The online library allows for our workers to search for and reference the latest version of our safety practices and policies on the go, anywhere they have internet access. Additionally, the library allows for the documents to be accessed directly on the site or downloaded to a phone/tablet for future use.

To ensure all workers always have access to the library, QR Code stickers and posters were distributed to all of our locations. Workers were encouraged to put the stickers on their hard hats, laptops, truck/equipment dashboards, or anywhere appropriate for easy access. Our key forms, such as the Daily Tailgate and HIAC forms, were also updated in 2023 to contain the QR Code.

After the initial release of the HSE Library, Strike received recommendations from its workforce for additional resources to be added to the site. We actioned this valuable feedback, and throughout 2023 the following enhancements were implemented:

1) WHMIS Information – SDS Binders:
Integrating access to SDS Binders allows all workers to access the safety data sheets and chemical safety information wherever they are. This gives information they may need about the PPE requirements, hazards of the product, and most importantly the first aid to be given in the event of an incident.

2) Provincial OHS Legislation:
We are required under the Code to ensure all our employees have access to the relevant OHS Legislation that may apply to their worksite. Meeting this responsibility can be challenging with so many sites, so many workers moving between sites, and the frequency of changes to the legislation. To help address this, links to the legislation of the four Provinces where we most commonly work, as well as to the Federal Code for the sites where the CER has jurisdiction, have been added to the HSE library.

3) Safety Ambassador Program:
In 2022, Strike launched a Safety Ambassador Program as a way to acknowledge our employees who go above and beyond to make our worksites safer for all of us. To aid in the submission of nominees, a link to the Safety Ambassador Program nomination form has been added to the HSE Library.

4) Mental Health Resources:
In November 2023, Strike focused on Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness. To provide ongoing support to our employees and ISPs as well as make necessary materials easier to find, a Mental Health Resources section has been added to the HSE Library. This section includes instructions on how to access Strike’s Employee Family Assistance Program and information on how to contact several other crisis centers that are available to anyone.

Finally, the HSE Library has been a great success and has consistently shown engagement from our workforce throughout the year. On average, the HSE library receives 438 views from 169 unique users per month, with the users being on the site for an average of 2.12 minutes. Strike continues to seek opportunities to provide our workforce with easy access to the tools they need to work safely.

Thank you to all on our team who helped to create and implement this successful innovation!