2022 Marketing Award of Distinction

We are humbled and honoured to have been awarded the Marketing Award of Distinction from the Alberta Chambers of Commerce! This year was the 31st annual Alberta Business Awards of Distinction (ABAD) which recognize business excellence and leadership in Alberta. Congratulations to all of the 2022 finalists and winners!
Strike is a forward-thinking construction company that focuses on sustainability. One of our key values is to ‘support the communities in which we live and work’. We are extremely active in the local communities where we have offices and/or projects. We are so grateful that our company has the means to be able to give back and support the communities surrounding our operations, and thankful to be recognized for it through this award.
This award recognizes a business/organization that develops and implements successful marketing strategies that have a demonstrable impact on business outcomes. Strike Group’s marketing strategy over the last two years has taken a two-pronged approach focusing on (1) updating and creating digital marketing materials, and (2) doing a better job of advertising the amazing local and community initiatives that we have been supporting for years. Our marketing efforts helped to showcase Strike’s leadership and community involvement across Alberta which has not only strengthened our brand reputation, but also our relationships with all stakeholders.
Creating trust, credibility and reputation with customers and stakeholders is not an easy thing to do – it depends on consistency in your messaging and actions. All of this is truly a team effort and is only successful from efforts across the company. The amazing community support taking place at all our offices and on sites provides Strike with excellent marketing material. Sending out a thank you to all our employees for their community-minded focus while completing exceptional execution.
Thank you to Postmedia Solutions for sponsoring the Marketing award category, and the Alberta Chambers of Commerce for this opportunity to share how we are helping to build a better Alberta.